Published by Bill Funkhouser on September 17, 2022
Here is what I believe and know to be true truth.
Everything, including the universe itself, was created by the eternal God who always has been and will ever be. Matter as we know it could not be eternal without God since all energy would have been exhausted before now, therefore, matter must have had a beginning at some point. Genesis 1.
That Adam and Eve were the first human beings, created after all else by our eternal God. And after all this and before the sin of Adam and Eve, God looked at His creation and declared it very good. Genesis 2.
That Adam and Eve sinned by disobeying God’s command not to eat the the fruit of the Tree of Life. They were unable to be restored to righteousness on their own and therefore God sent His Son to live a perfect life and through His sacrifice on the cross, provided a means whereby we all can have restoration of righteousness applied to us if we give our lives completely and totally to Him, accepting Him as Lord, not just in words but in the way we live as well. Genesis 3 and Matthew 27.
I believe He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven leaving His followers to spread the truth of salvation to all mankind. And I believe He will come back as He promised, and for those who accept Christ as their savior, they will live eternally with God in perfect joy, but those who do not will suffer eternally in the lake of fire that was prepared for Satan and his followers. Matthew 28 and Acts 1.
And I believe Christians, as stated above, must be a shining light in the darkness so that we may lead many to salvation. This is our calling as Christians, to live this life in such a way as to exhibit the reality of Christianity to all. Matthew 5:14-16.